Fitness Junky

Summer COACHcamp Series
June 18, 2024 July 30, 2024

Total # of Classes

Class length
45 minutes

Fitness Junky ONLINE Live

This class is an opportunity for you to experience the benefits of progressive programming, personal attention and accountability with the guidance of a trainer. 'Coach' is obsessed with progressive improvement using the principles of periodization and changing variables.  Coaching sessions will have you moving from low resistance and a high number of repetitions to high resistance and a lower number of repetitions allowing your muscles to strengthen gradually. You will be invited to log your workouts and track your progress using the training package resources provided. 

What to wear: *Barefoot OR *Cross Trainers
What to bring:
*Dumbbells 3-15 lbs depending on personal strength &  trainer notes to periodization phase
*Stability ball and/or bench
*Access to stairs nearby
*Sturdy chair 
*Yoga block (something to elevate heels)
*Glute band (fabric and/or latex)
*Yoga mat

The class takes place on...

You may also register for individual classes in this series by clicking a specific date above.


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
